ProgrammeClick here to download complete abstract book Monday 26th June 13.00 Registration and coffee/tea Session 1 (chair: Adam Foster) 13.30 Martin Setvin (TU Wien, Austria) 14.20 Matt Watkins (University of Lincoln, United Kingdom) 14.45 Julian Gaberle (University College London, United Kingdom) 15.10 Coffee/tea break 15.40 Thomas Frederiksen (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain) 16.30 Janos Daru (Lehrstuhl fur Theoretische Chemie, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany) 17.00 Close of session
Tuesday 27th June Session 2 (chair: Scott Chambers) 09.00 Cecile Hebert (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland) 09.50 Daniel Pingstone (University of York, United Kingdom) 10.15 Coffee/tea break 10.45 Rossitza Pentcheva (University of Duisburg-Essen, United Kingdom) 11.35 Georg Schusteritsch (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) 12.00 Lunch and discussion time Session 3 (chair: Cecile Hebert) 14.00 Rebecca Nicholls (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) 14.50 Edward Tait (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) 15.15 Arsham Ghasemi (University of York, United Kingdom) 15.40 Coffee/tea break 16.10 Scott Chambers (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, United States) 17.00 Close of session
Wednesday 28th June Session 4 (chair: Rebecca Nicholls) 09.00 Vlado Lazarov (University of York, United Kingdom) 09.50 Jonathan Bean (University of York, United Kingdom) 10.15 Andrea Floris (University of Lincoln, United Kingdom) 10.40 Coffee/tea break 11.10 Jamie Warner (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) 12.00 Viktor Zolyomi (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) 12.25 Tim Naginey (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) 12.50 Close of Workshop |